Conscious Relationship Essentials

A Three-Week, Immersive Upgrade For Your Intimacy

Class starts in July, Sign Up Now!

Great relationships don't have to be hard work all the time, they just need the right skillset...

It's easy to "fall" in love, but staying in love, and growing together in love requires that we be conscious about it -  utilizing the specific tools which allow us to bring our full hearts to the process. 

Many of us were never taught these tools and so relationship can feel like a matter of struggle or of luck.  When we know the hidden keys of how the heart and mind function within the closeness of partnership, we'll find we have much more time for the true work of relationship - Making Life Wonderful!  

In the space of just three weeks, we'll lay the foundations for relational consciousness - empowering partners to heal, grow, change, and thrive together!



The Details:


What: 3 Thursday evenings facilitated by Rev. Fa Jun and Marya Stark 

When: July 6, 13, and 20, 6-7:30pm (pst)

Where: Anywhere you are! Online via Zoom - (recordings available if you can't make it live!)

Who: Everyone interested in deepening the conscious art of relating! (couples, singles, dating, partnerships of all configurations)

Tuition: $108 

“Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small gestures, and small acts.”

― John M. Gottman

What IS a "Conscious Relationship"?

It is a relationship where we can choose to make life wonderful together, because we’re not running on unconscious auto-pilot! 

So many things can get in the way of  loving - how we were raised, attachment styles, even whether or not we’re hungry or tired!  What these influences all have in common is that they’re not conscious, they're making us react, instead of empowering us to choose. 

By learning the essential tools of relating, we give ourselves a bit of sacred distance from the unconscious patterns and momentum.  We give ourselves new options!  Rather than relying solely on those templates we inherited from our parents, mentors, friends, or media, we can learn new strategies for embodying the love we long to express!

As we practice the Relationship Essentials, our unions and communions become truly conscious  - granting us the power to choose in a way that increases thriving.  These relationships go on to nourish greater and deeper awareness in us.  Our partners cease to be someone who triggers us into our shadow, but begin to show up as the person who draws us into the light!  Relationship challenges become training halls where we can put our skills into play and engage the dance of intentional evolution together.  

Get Signed Up!

Class 1: Cutting-Edge Understandings

The science of relationship has come a long way in recent years: from trauma-informed practices and attachment styles, to the 'Gottman Ratio' and Vagal tone, we've got more tools than ever to make our intimate connections sweet, safe, passionate, and growthfull.

In this class we present crucial information you may have never learned, which you can immediately put into practice to start loving more deeply NOW!

Class 2: Conscious and Compassionate Communication

If we can't communicate well, it's nearly impossible to utilize all the other amazing practices of a bliss-filled partnership.  Fortunately, the keys to effective and compassionate communication are simple and straightforward.

You will not only learn the communication hacks to truly get your needs met, and understand your partner more deeply than ever, but how real people can apply them to their real relationships where it matters most!  

Class 3: Specific Situations

Each class will contain dedicated time for Q&A and Discussion.  Additionally, our third class is made to address the specific situations that are most important to YOU.

Your facilitators draw on decades of experience in coaching people through relationship challenges to create our rich curriculum.  In this final class they offer the tailored protocols, understandings, and tips you need to navigate common and unique issues.

“Romantic Love delivers us into the passionate arms of someone who will ultimately trigger the same frustrations we had with our parents, but for the best possible reason! Doing so brings our childhood wounds to the surface so they can be healed.”

― Harville Hendrix,  


Our Story

Marya and Fa Jun have been in loving partnership for the last 14 years.  They got a lucky start by meeting at Medical Qigong college, practicing together techniques to explore the deep forces of mind and body.  

After becoming a couple, they continued the momentum by studying Buddhist tantric relationship insights, Compassionate Communication, and from many modern teachers of relational health, both scientific and intuitive.

Rev. Fa Jun is a 30 year practitioner of inner yogas and Marya has been an expressive arts alchemist for two decades.  They combine their realms of expertise in personal work, energetic cultivation, and transformational coaching to teach as a harmonious union - sharing key insights they've picked up on the path of long-term loving.

Register Now

"Throughout my life, I have the honor to work with a wide variety of teachers.  I would like to take this opportunity to give my strongest possible endorsement to Fa Jun and Marya.  They are both brilliant teachers and wonderful human beings.  It is a joy to witness how much fun they have holding space while demonstrating the knowledge and care they put into relating.

I have worked with hundreds of people in relationships over the years, and these two are one of my absolute favorite couples."

- Scott Catamas 

Founder of Love Coach Academy

This workshop is a MUST, for anyone longing to tap their potential for deep love and nourishing relationships.

Sign up now and receive access to the three evening classes starting July 6 - plus archived access to the course recordings and online Q&A for one year.

See you there!


Register Now for 'Conscious Relationship Essentials'