Psychologists like Jung noted that the Alchemical processes described in ancient texts seem to correspond quite precisely with stages of psychological healing and transformation.
Some feel that alchemy gradually changed its focus from premodern chemistry to inner spirituality, but there are many lineage masters of inner alchemy who will tell you that this inner transformation was always of primary importance.
Called the Philosopher's Stone (popularized as the 'Sorcerer's Stone' in Harry Potter fame), this is the alchemical agent that allows all the other work of transmutation that follows.
In the inner Work, this esoteric-sounding concept actually has a straightforward psychological meaning: the "stone" refers to the "solid ground" of your deepest values. The work in inner traditions all around the world begins with finding out WHO YOU ARE, and then bringing that deepest sense of self to whatever situations are arising. When this is accomplished, it doesn't make life's challenges magically disappear, but it does transmute them into a facet of the spiritual path. This transformation is the goal of inner alchemy.
Alchemy has the primary goal of transforming poisons into elixirs, or that which is base into that which is precious.
This stage of consolidation of the sense of self is the subject of our upcoming mini-retreat and next module in the Compassion Alchemy Meditation Training. You can sign up and watch all the courses archived, or join us for the live retreat all day on Saturday Oct 15!