How to Use Qigong to Heal Your Knees!

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2022

Winter is a great time to heal your knees, according to Chinese traditional medicine, because the knees are associated with the health of the Kidney meridian - associated with this season.

Because of this, I put out a FREE course called "Knee Gong" as a gift to you!  I wanted to give some explanation of the practices that I chose for that mini-practice, so here's a little explanation of how it  works!  

First, the warm up - which is to both increase circulation of blood and vital force, but also help get the structure regulated - the knees are put into balance, but the hips and ankles are also important, because they impact the position of the knees.

Next we "remove stagnation" by working any trigger points we find using self-massage.

Then it's time to "regulate the structure" and we use stretches for the main muscles that will impact most knee pain - the quads, the glutes, and the hamstrings.

Finally, we "regulate the Qi" by working with the meridians.  The Yang meridians of the legs have already been addressed somewhat by the stretching, but it's also important to regulate the Three Yin of the Spleen, Liver, and Kidney.  Deficiencies in these channels can cause the experience of weakness or achiness in the knees. 

In all, it forms a complete qigong practice to relieve knee pain!  I hope you'll try it, it's free until Jan 7, then will be included as a bonus in next month's "Qigong for Deep Winter"!  




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