Qi Medicine for Long Covid

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2022


Last night we held a special seminar on "Qigong Medicine for Long-Covid Recovery" you can watch the replay here! 

In the talk we went over the type of disease this is, according to Chinese Medicine - a "Damp Plague"

We discussed the "Six Stages of Disease" and the idea that severe disease can enter into the "Tai Yin" level and cause "Qi Deficiency"

We also went over the main point of interventions which is to rebuild the energy of the Spleen/Pancreas meridian, and tonify the body's "Qi", or vital energy.  We spoke on how remedying this Qi Deficiency can address the root of various symptoms associated with Long Covid. 

The final portion of the talk was about specific remedies from Qigong medicine that one can try on their own, including diet, lifestyle, and qigong exercises.

Attendees were encouraged to check out the program "Qigong Therapy for Autumn", in which many of the remedial exercises from Medical Qigong are catalogued.  

Students were also encouraged to attend next week's talk "Intro to Qigong" in order to learn more about how they can benefit from a general qigong practice, and get started on the next 21 day course on "the Master's Sequence"! 



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