Qigong for Back Pain!

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2022


Summer is here and for many of us that means that we'll be ramping up our expression of "work as love made visible"

In ancient times, the summer was the time when you could get the most work done, because you had the most light, but in Daoist tradition they also cautioned against getting overheated physically, or emotionally "burnt out!"

In alignment with this theme of taking good care of ourselves in light of the physical or emotional stresses we may find ourselves under, I've decided to make my latest course on Qigong and Yoga for Back Pain FREE on Youtube!!!  

The first session is up and it is based on the idea in Chinese medicine that all pain comes from stagnation.  This is similar to how musculoskeletal pain works according to physiology too.  Waste products can get backed up and irritate the pain receptors.  So if we can increase circulation, we can reduce our pain!  This first session is all about increasing circulation to the vital tissues of the lower back, as well as harmonizing the meridians associated with this area according to Chinese Medicine.

I hope you'll give it a try and watch for next week, when we'll begin going over stretches and acupressure for specific complaints and pathologies! 


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