In medical qigong, there are special practices for the liminal state between one season and the next.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine's "Five Element Theory", the time between seasons is related to the Earth element. Among all the different symbolic forces represented as "elements", Earth is the neutral one that abides in the center.
In life, this refers to the capacity to PAUSE - to step back from the momentum that may be carrying us along, and to generate a moment of empathetic presence. Then we can move forward from that balanced and centered space.
In the life-long practice of Qigong, we inculcate this capacity to pause by cultivating the Earth element in times of transition. Currently in the Northern Hemisphere, we're moving from the downward energy of the Metal Element in Autumn, and into the inward energy of the Water Element in Winter. We work with the Earth Element qigong in order to bring everything to neutral and optimize ourselves for the shift. For many of us, it's about to get cold, and hopefully cuddly. By utilizing psychological tools like seasonal qigong, we can help ourselves surrender from the gathering and preparing energies of the Fall, to the resting and storing energies of the Winter.
There's so much more one could say, but I'll leave you with these few ideas for now to get you started, and of course the PRACTICE! This playlist on my Youtube channel contains a sequence of my own design for seasonal transition, and the traditional Bear qigong from the Five Animal Frolics - said to benefit the earth element! Enjoy!