What Meditation Does For Us

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2022

Meditation has many benefits, more and more of which have been documented scientifically in recent years.  It's these benefits that inspired me to teach the upcoming Compassion Alchemy Meditation Immersion over the next 4 months through Autumn!  

I wanted to briefly share a few of these benefits with you, as well as clue you in to the template from which I'll be teaching this course.  To navigate the many styles and techniques within the wide field of "meditation", we need a map.  The one I'm using is an ancient system of the four great metaphorical "elements" - Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind - each one describes a certain aspect of the meditative path, and specific benefits that meditation practice offers us.  

Earth refers to the Calmative, Grounding, and Comforting aspects of spiritual practice. 
Water pertains to cultivating our capacity for Reflection and Clarity.
Fire relates to the Alchemical work of our Emotional body and its Living Energies.
And Wind is all about our innate capacity for Creativity and Self-Direction.

All of these elements are contained within traditional systems of spiritual cultivation, but they may be so embroidered by millennia of cultural poetry that modern people never figure out how to USE them. 

I've taken up the goal of attempting to organize the priceless gifts granted to me by my teachers in a way that honors tradition, but rests on a foundation of evidence and modern understanding.  The hope is to give us a road-map to help us immediately make any kind of meditation more useful to us.  

If you're interested in learning to meditate from the ground up, exploring new facets of your existing practice, or simply engaging in the group container of a community of shared practice, get registered for the Compassion Alchemy Meditation Immersion now, it starts on Sept 17th! 


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