well... yes, that too
But the teachings on chakras are extremely valuable! In fact, if one really understood them well, it would help us to avoid spiritual bypassing and lead more integrated lives.
Most ancient cultures of the world had some system like this because it's really quite obvious that your guts hold different strengths than your head, and your throat stores different emotional experiences than your heart.
We moderns, though, seem to forget that our body and mind are continually communicating. In one sense, it's almost like the body is your subconscious mind!
A quick and easy exercise you can do right now is just to simply listen to the Belly, Heart, and Head - do they feel like they're balanced and aligned? Or are your mind, body, and emotions going off in different directions? What could bring the head, heart, and center of gravity toward a greater sense of congruence?
Qigong and yogic exercises are techniques one can use to create balance in these different facets of our being so that we can feel centered and coherent!
If you'd like to learn more about this inner language of the subtle body, I highly recommend attending our upcoming online training called 'Three Dan Tiens and Seven Chakras!' I'll be going through pith instructions from our Lohan lineage, which include Daoist inner alchemy, and the paradigms of the Himalayan yogins of India and Tibet. This class is open to all levels and is especially appropriate for intermediate students! Sign up here!
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