Code of Ethics for Templestyle Instructors

Effective date: 3/17/2021




The Templestyle Instructor's code of ethics is modeled on the Buddhist "5 Vows for Laypeople."  Rather than a religious code, it is a baseline of ethics by which we can abide as considerate humans.  The same vows make up part of the Yamas and Niyamas as presented in Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, where he states that these codes transcend cultural boundaries.  Many of them are also found in the 10 Commandments.

Instructors must examine their behavior with great care as the position of instructor implies a power-differential.  Relationships work differently when power, money, authority, or the like are in play and we have seen many spiritual teachers and yoga communities suffer through lack of mindfulness to the necessity of this extra level of care.

Instructors of all levels are expected to follow this code to remain an instructor "in good standing".  Failure to follow this code of ethics can result in probation or expulsion and removal of certification. 

1. Non-Harming

Instructors commit, first and foremost to doing no harm.

In the context of teaching qigong or meditation practices, this means that one will stay within their scope of practice and authorization - as teaching beyond one's scope of practice can lead to physical or emotional injury.

Instructors must only teach those practices about which they are clear on the safe way to perform them.  When in doubt, tell the student you don't know, and get advice from your mentor.

We hold the intention not to harm at all times, and we know that accidents will happen.  Instructors are responsible for keeping their own insurance up to date and making sure that facilities and learning environments are safe.


2. Non-Stealing

Templestyle instructors commit to being up front with all fees and costs.  In no way will a Templestyle instructor utilize hidden fees, or be unclear about the cost of teachings.  Requests for donations are made up-front and without any hinting or subtle manipulation tactics.

Payment and refund policies are made clear and are followed exactly. 

3. Avoiding Sexual Misconduct

Templestyle Instructors will not engage with romantic relationships with their students.  The reason for this is that there is a subtle power dynamic in the relationship between teacher and student that is inappropriate for an equal, intimate relationship.

If an instructor wishes to date a student, they must ask that the student stop attending classes for a time.  If the student trains under another mentor as a primary teacher, this rule can be waived.  The main point is to not attempt to engage in a therapeutic relationship and an intimate relationship at the same time.  Any intimacy with someone who participates in your class must be framed as a relationship between equals.  Because the existence of hierarchy and power dynamics are subtle and hidden, the general policy is to avoid romantic relationships with your students under all circumstances.

4. Kind and Straightforward Speech

Instructors are to operate business in an honest, and above-the-board way at all times.  

This school places great emphasis on the art of compassionate and empathic communication and instructors are advised to seek to mediate all misunderstandings with a great degree of empathy.

While maintaining firm boundaries when necessary, we always refrain from using our speech to demean others.

Specifically, instructors will refrain from any and all "hate-speech" which stereotypes or dehumanizes any group of people.

5. Avoiding Intoxicants

Qigong instruction should not take place in any official capacity while students are under the influence of intoxicants.

Qigong instruction should not take place in any capacity if the instructor is intoxicated.

Instructors commit to managing their mental state through the use of necessary medications and meditations, so that they may offer groundedness, security, and clarity to their students.  If this is not possible, it's best to cancel class for that day! 


By following these guidelines, one can save oneself from a great deal of trouble as a teacher of transformative practices!  More importantly, one can safeguard ones students from unnecessary pain, tension, and confusion that come about when any of the above guidelines is unclear.  The work of self-cultivation is already complex and shrouded in mystery, by engaging with a high degree of ethics, we make sure we add no further complexity, or potential for harm to this already potent undertaking!